As the U.S. military continues to engage in enduring and expeditionary conflicts in remote and austere regions of the world, there has been a concerted effort to solve the challenges associated with moving fuel and supplying reliable, secure power for today’s power-intensive military equipment. Moving fuel to the front lines is incredibly costly -- in both financial terms and in lives. For example, by the end of 2010, the Defense Logistics Agency was moving 40 million gallons of fuel per month into Afghanistan, while the casualty factor for fuel resupplies in Afghanistan was almost one life lost for every 24 fuel convoys.
With the [SimpliPhi-powered ZeroBase Forge portable solar+storage kits] proven in the field, the military sought to offset diesel consumption further with larger, ruggedized, mobile and easily deployable microgrid systems.

The ZeroBase T-Series trailer was a microgrid on wheels, featuring ballistic solar panels, a 5, 10, or 15kW generator and 4-20 PHI batteries. With an off-road chassis, the T-Series could be transported easily over long distances behind a Humvee or other defense or commercial vehicle and deployed in less than 10 minutes. Solar, wind, or a generator could fully charge the PHI batteries in less than two hours.
The trailers provided critical peak-load power and long-term storage in one system, suitable for powering housing units, satellite uplink terminals, weapons stations, surveillance equipment and more.
Regardless of global location, providing secure tactical electric power at combat outposts where energy security and fuel resupply efforts are constrained will remain critical. The T-Series mobile microgrid featuring PHI batteries is proven to deliver reliable power for military operations, even in the harshest and most remote environments.

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